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August 4, 2023 1 Comment

As Americans transition to a non-religious population, churches have been closing rapidly across the US. In 2019, about 4,500 Protestant churches closed, with those still standing typically having only 85% of the pre-pandemic attendance numbers.

July 6, 2023 2 Comments

Recently, I was working with a church that desperately wants to grow... well, the pastor wants it to grow. He asked his core leaders about their inviting experiences and they all said shades

July 4, 2023 0 Comments

Every so often, I get a letter from some irate church member who demands to know why The Effective Church Group charges for our services. This morning, I got this note from a

July 4, 2023 1 Comment

Once upon a time, or so the old fairytale goes, the Pied Piper led all the children out from the city of Hamelin. I'm sure it was a shock, but everyone in town

May 24, 2023 1 Comment

For years, churches have relied on traditional face-to-face fundraising to raise revenue for their operational costs, youth programs, and charitable work. However, as new technology innovations have become available, organizations have been able

May 22, 2023 1 Comment

The pastor was nearly spitting nails. She'd entrusted a congregational member to lead what should have been an exceptionally effective outreach event. But by 4 PM the afternoon of the event, it was