Craig Galbraith, Oliver Galbraith This book contains classic management secrets that anyone in leadership will benefit from. The Rule contained the first complete management system in the Western world. The beauty of The
308 West Blvd N, Columbia, MO 65203 573-463-5923
Craig Galbraith, Oliver Galbraith This book contains classic management secrets that anyone in leadership will benefit from. The Rule contained the first complete management system in the Western world. The beauty of The
By Michael Frost Having trouble understanding what the Missional conversation is all about? If you are having trouble understanding the implications of Missional then you need to read this book. More than any
Frost and HirschThe Shaping of Things To Come This is a book that should be read by every Christian who knows something is wrong with today’s version of Christianity but can’t put their
Frazee, RandyThe Comeback Congregation The Comeback Congregation by Randy Frazee (Abingdon) is an excellent example of how to organize around your church's mission. Using this model, Frazee took a declining church from around
The Big Idea teaches four huge values I see in so many thriving churches around the country: The value of focusing on one main theme, less it more, team ministries, and planning ahead.
by Dave and Jon Ferguson This book is chock full of information and not just for church planters or people interested in forming a church planting movement. It not only not only tells