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August 3, 2009 0 Comments

I’m working with a church established in the 1990s that grew up to 200 the year it moved into its permanent building in the late 90’s. Then it began to decline and has

August 1, 2009 0 Comments

Earlier I blogged about what it takes to grow a church from 0-500. Now here are my thoughts about why churches fail to break the 200 in worship barrier. The church loses its focus on evangelism and

July 29, 2009 0 Comments

It just may be that my ranting for the past 20 years or more is finally paying off. Parts of the recent Rethink Church campaign of the UMC shows signs of a biblical understanding

July 27, 2009 0 Comments

I'm constantly asked about the keys to moving through the various barriers churches face. Over the years I compiled my list.  Since this post was lost in the transfer of our site, I'm

July 24, 2009 0 Comments

My reading this summer hasn’t produced a lot of excellent books, but it has produced three excellent books that are worth purchasing. Perhaps the best book of this summer and perhaps this year

July 23, 2009 0 Comments

I began consulting with churches part time in 1987. I’ve been a full time consultant to churches since 1990. My consulting firm, 21st Century Strategies, Inc. has been around for twenty-two years. So