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December 31, 2009 0 Comments

As Bill Easum has already pointed out, there has been a lot of confusion around the whole Missional, Emergent, Emerging conversation. Most church leaders I speak with couldn’t cogently define the difference with

December 30, 2009 0 Comments

I just finished writing a book entitled Preaching for Transformation. I used Acts as the text, especially Acts 1:8 where the apostles ("apostles" means "the sent ones" in Greek) were told they would be Jesus' witnesses

December 29, 2009 0 Comments

Doing Church in Tough Times: Create an Opportunity Ethos There's no question the times are tough. The economy is in the tank. Unemployment is rising faster than soda pop bubbles. The banking industry

December 27, 2009 0 Comments

It's the time of year when churches across the nation will be installing their new officers, committee chairs, board members, etc. There will be a meaningful installation service (there will be a meaning-full service in

December 22, 2009 0 Comments

Before you read this post, please burn into your brain that I was one of the first authors to shoot a warning shot across the bow of the institutional church by questioning its

December 14, 2009 0 Comments

I was just getting ready to do a blog on the comparison of heresy in the first few centuries to that of today since today is so much like the 1st century, when