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February 3, 2010 0 Comments

There is a shift of mindset – a mindshift, if you will – going on today when it comes to how pastors view their role and their congregations. In the past most pastors looked for

February 1, 2010 0 Comments

From the beginning of 21st Century Strategies, a long, long time ago, we’ve had one driving value: help transform churches. We suspect that pretty much all our readers understand that one of the

January 29, 2010 0 Comments

I'm preparing to speak to the Presbyterian Church of Canada in a couple of months.  They chose as the subject "The Emmaus Project."  It consists of selected churches from all over Canada. As

January 26, 2010 0 Comments

Over the years I've watched pastors do all kinds of work trying to grow their church.  Many of them have brought in a consultant, myself included, had a thorough examination of their church,

January 19, 2010 0 Comments

I just heard some reports that attendance at most of this year's MLK rallies and marches was way down. While in the restroom at the hospital this week I heard a man say

January 17, 2010 0 Comments

Sorry for not posting in  a while but my wife has been in the hospital going through two surgeries. However, she is doing wonderful tonight and may go home soon. So I've been