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May 28, 2010 0 Comments

I’m constantly asked, “What’s the best curriculum for leadership development or discipleship?” as if either one is something that can be taught and learned in a course. My response is always the same

May 19, 2010 0 Comments

This post is a continuation of "The Missional Church: The Comet That Killed the Dinosaurs or a Knight in Shining Armor?" “Everything rises or falls on leadership.” John Maxwell wasn’t the first one to

May 19, 2010 0 Comments

I received an email today from a client asking me if every group, even a micro group, needed an identified leader. Here is my response.It's been my experience that no group functions at


May 18, 2010 0 Comments

We live in a world about which one of the only things we can say for sure at the moment is that it is set on speed.  Things get faster and faster every year.

May 3, 2010 0 Comments

I just returned from speaking to the Presbyterian Church of Canada.  While I was there I learned from one of the bookseller that my book, A Second Resurrection, made the bestseller list on www.Amazon.ca. This

May 1, 2010 0 Comments

I had a conversation today with a lady in an Ontario bookstore where they were doing a book signing for some of my books.  We were talking about a couple of new books