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July 12, 2010 2 Comments

I ran across a method of following up on first-time visistors that I am now recommending in my Double Day campaign. I thought I would share it with you. On Monday morning send

July 11, 2010 0 Comments

Christendom is dead.  It used to be that Christianity was referenced in textbooks, the media, the arts, and in daily conversation, with certain regularity; it was assumed that most people, at least in America,

July 11, 2010 0 Comments

Every person on Planet Earth has at least one thing in common.  Regardless of creed, geography or age:  We all want to leave the world in a better state than the way we found

July 11, 2010 0 Comments

“Oh, that God the gift would give us to  see ourselves as others see us" Robert Burnes The Declining Church Tom Bandy observed, during his recent visit to Australia, that the decline of

July 11, 2010 0 Comments

Background to Dialogue The following paper by Doris Lax and response by Tom Bandy were part of the presentations to the annual meeting of the North American Paul Tillich Society in November 2000.

July 11, 2010 0 Comments

Leading congregational leaders to deepening their spiritual discipline and breaking through to a new sense of mission…a story… What happens when denominational issues impact upon the local congregation? What happens when these issues