Over the years I have taught that it is more important to have a "to be" list than a "to do" list. A "to be" list is a list of people you are
308 West Blvd N, Columbia, MO 65203 573-463-5923 info@effectivechurch.com
Over the years I have taught that it is more important to have a "to be" list than a "to do" list. A "to be" list is a list of people you are
More and more church leaders are reporting to me that they are having conflicts between sports schedules and their church's schedule. This has been a growing problem since the 1980s. I just recently received an
Take the next couple of minutes and peruse your investment portfolio. How are things going? Is your stock going up or down, or is it stagnant? In your whole portfolio, which is the
My tribe just conducted a survey of 36,000 United Methodist Churches (UMCs) only to find what many of us have been teaching for over two decades. Here is a quote from the report
Missional is the buzzword of the day. You can get new life and extra mileage out of almost any church topic by adding “missional” to otherwise ordinary words. But add Missional to Christianity
The number is climbing, but here's the most commonly reported stat: at least 85 percent of first-time church guests visit a congregation's website before they make their initial visit. For some of you,