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May 13, 2011 0 Comments

Below is an article that should be speaking volumes into every pastor's heart and mind who is committed to sharing the Gospel in ways that can be heard and make sense. The day of

May 13, 2011 0 Comments

I've been saying this for at least five years and now it appears I've been onto something. The day of the sermon as we know it is dead. Or at least, if you

May 6, 2011 0 Comments

One of the most valued pieces of church planting is often lost in the hustle and bustle of setting up and taking down, but when its discovered it's like heaven on earth. I'm

May 4, 2011 0 Comments

If your church is not growing, there is one thing you must do to get it growing.  You must ask yourself this question every time you are about to something or spend money

April 27, 2011 0 Comments

I was just interviewed by a young man who was doing research on multi-site churches for his seminary degree. He was quite thorough and seemed to have covered the waterfront in his reading on the

April 25, 2011 0 Comments

A careful study of Jesus life and ministry reveals that Jesus core ministry was that of small group leader. He taught the masses; he helped and healed the many; he concentrated on the