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viagra payday loans I'm constantly being asked how to transition a church from purely attractional to truly missional. It's a good question because if a church is purely attractional, it's not really a
Today’s spiritual seekers rarely turn to Christianity or to the church to find the answers they seek because of their past experiences or because of the church's and faith’s reputation. Too often, spiritual
We all know Western Christianity is in deep trouble. I won't dwell on that. Instead, I want to share the secret to our future. It's simple. The secret to our future lies in
By Bill Easum One thing has become crystal clear over the twenty some years I have been consulting and coaching church leaders - the vast majority of growing churches in the U.S.
I often ask my pastors what they're reading outside of scripture. Too often the answers I get are litanies of commentaries and historical theologians. Although that's not a bad thing, I suppose, the
A week or so ago I had the great privilege of leading a workshop session for a group of folks who were considering the possibility of professional ministry. I'd been invited to present