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August 4, 2014 1 Comment

Whether we call it “Social Justice,” Social Action,” or “Mission-oriented” ministry, too many congregations are wearing themselves out and, worse, missioning themselves out of existence. What we need to do is find how

July 28, 2014 0 Comments

I think I've convinced myself that the most difficult sermon preparation task (and one of the most important) is coming up with great sermon titles (and sermon series titles). Your sermon's title is of critical

July 24, 2014 1 Comment

I tell churches all the time that the three most important rooms in a church building are the worship center, restrooms, and nursery. Most churches don't understand the importance of these rooms. How

July 22, 2014 0 Comments

I've written posts and articles on how to grow your church... here's a quick checklist you can use to find out why your church isn't growing – complete with links to articles and resources to

July 19, 2014 2 Comments

Everyone has a "to do" list.  Some folks are slaves to it, while others make one up and then quickly abandon it. And some are paranoid if they aren't able to mark off

July 17, 2014 4 Comments

I got a note the other day asking about what a bar ministry might look like. There are a couple ways that churches are doing successful bar ministries. Here are the two dominant