Have you ever wondered why the vast majority of growing churches today are out of the mainstream? In fact all of the mainline denominations are in decline. I have a theory on why.
308 West Blvd N, Columbia, MO 65203 573-463-5923 info@effectivechurch.com
Have you ever wondered why the vast majority of growing churches today are out of the mainstream? In fact all of the mainline denominations are in decline. I have a theory on why.
I received this private email some time ago. I received permission to reprint it here, after making some modifications to protect the identity of the writer. I have come to the realization that
Here are a few questions you should be able to answer affirmatively before going multi-site. 1. Is my church growing a minimum of 5% per year? 2. Is my church 80% full at
One of top questions we’ve heard during the Only Four Things Grow Churches tour has to do with the allocation of the pastor’s time. When we suggest that a pastor leading a church
Here's a mind bender for you. Below is a simple scenario. Put your church consultant hat on and contemplate – what would you do? Four mornings each week, he sat in his office doing Facebook
This is not a religious article, but it begins with a spiritual dimension because I believe spirituality is the foundation of a healthy life. You can share this article with anyone and it