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May 6, 2015 0 Comments

If you were asked what you considered to be the greatest tragedy in history, what would you say? Surely some would pick the Holocaust. Others in the U.S. might pick 9/11. Still others

May 6, 2015 2 Comments

We live in a time when the nature of church is changing dramatically.  There are a few very large congregations, but most churches are quite small.  Do I have to be a mega

May 5, 2015 0 Comments

A client recently posed a staffing question and asked me to address it. "Why should the first hired staff positions be (1) a worship leader for a non-traditional style worship service; and (2)

April 21, 2015 1 Comment

The term "church growth" means all sorts of things to different people.  Some see no problem whatsoever.  Others find it to be controversial. The question that defines it for me is?  Do your

April 19, 2015 0 Comments

I suspect no church intentionally goes about barring their doors to keep new people out, but given the poor first-time visitor numbers in most churches, it sometimes seems like that might be the

April 17, 2015 0 Comments

I recently received a note with a question that I'm sure most pastors have asked themselves at one time or another. [su_quote]Why are congregations not held accountable, especially when the congregation (in spite