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December 8, 2015 1 Comment

Sometimes we get asked about the tools we use to do the things we do. This afternoon I was creating and scheduling some social media updates for the upcoming week and realized that there

December 5, 2015 2 Comments

I’ve been writing a lot about church multiplication because I believe it is the way Jesus would want us to lead our churches. At the heart of multiplication is the shift from an

December 5, 2015 3 Comments

Only 20 percent of Christians are involved in any kind of discipleship activity, according to the Barna report that just came out. Unfortunately, making disciples is the number one job of every Christian,

December 4, 2015 9 Comments

I was at a church planting event some years ago when someone asked, "Tell me what you do." Saying "I plant churches" didn't seem to capture what I was doing, since I was

December 3, 2015 0 Comments

There was another terrible gun tragedy yesterday. This time, though, the Facebook posts have been slightly different. Yes, there are still the politicos who demand full disarmament on the one side and arming

November 30, 2015 0 Comments

Too many church leaders put up with nonsense from poorly behaved people in their churches. I'm not talking about non-believers who haven't yet found their way into the kingdom. And I don't mean