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December 29, 2015 0 Comments

When I restarted a church in 1969, I shared the following mission statement: “Every member a minister.” In 1982 the statement changed to “Every person a minister.” In 1990 the statement changed again

December 29, 2015 0 Comments

Ever wondered why you’re on this earth? Ever wondered what your ultimate purpose in life is? I know there were times when I did, until the day I met Jesus and all that

December 21, 2015 0 Comments

Church visitors come and church visitors go. And most of the time, it's just like that. In a typical North American church, less than 15 percent of all first-time visitors ever return. Over

December 12, 2015 2 Comments

In the majority of established churches in the U. S., the paid staff does most of the daily ministry. All one has to do is read passages like Ephesians 4:11-12 and I Peter

December 12, 2015 0 Comments

Signs are a plus if you use them correctly, but they are a waste of money if you use them incorrectly. Let's look at the difference. A church down the street from me

December 10, 2015 2 Comments

Christmas Eve is fast approaching. Historically, your worship service/s on that holy night will have the highest number of visitors who have limited or no church experience. Indeed, the Nones are more likely