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October 11, 2016 0 Comments

Are you a church leader with vision?  Are you discouraged by the visions you have put before people that seemed to go unheard?  Does it seem like your visions often go unfulfilled? If

October 4, 2016 0 Comments

[su_youtube_advanced url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E5K-8bqgmnw" rel="no"] Order the Book Today! Want More? Sign Up for the Video Overviews and More! Sign up for video Chapter-by-Chapter introductions by the authors! Share your thoughts and insights Pose your

September 20, 2016 1 Comment

Mentoring someone into faith or deeper into faith is your responsibility. Unless you're the pastor, it's not the pastor's responsibility. Unless you're a Sunday school teacher, it's not the Sunday school's responsibility. Unless you're

August 25, 2016 1 Comment

My denomination, The United Methodist Church, has just initiated a program called “Praying Our Way Forward.” This is a denomination wide program that begins with Phase One, which is encouraging all the Bishops

August 17, 2016 0 Comments

What is church hospitality?  Is it unique from other hospitality?  What about the rather significant emphasis on hospitality in the Bible?  Let's be honest, most churches are fortunate to have good hospitality, not

August 5, 2016 0 Comments

The one ingredient a Level 5 church cannot do without is radical discipleship. Raising up radical disciples is the underbelly of the exponential church planting movement. It’s impossible to exponentially plant churches without greatly