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April 3, 2018 0 Comments

Here are six steps to effectively follow up with Easter guests. *Acknowledge your guest’s presence. Be sure to take time during the service to publicly acknowledge that there are guests in the service.

April 2, 2018 3 Comments

What is the one thing a leader needs the most to succeed? If we have the answer to that question, everything else falls into place. So here goes. The thing most needed for

March 26, 2018 0 Comments

This post comes to us through guest-blogger Jason Lewis. Although much of our energy is focused on reaching younger adults and families, according to the Census Bureau, there are more than 40-million USAmericans

March 26, 2018 0 Comments

As Easter weekend approaches, your church is getting ready to make a great first impression on guests who may never have stepped foot on your property. In addition to praying for your church

March 19, 2018 1 Comment

The mind is a funny thing; If the mind believes something to be true, the more likely it is that something will happen. Let me illustrate I play golf. And there are times

March 17, 2018 0 Comments

For most churches, Easter is the best-attended Sunday of the year and many of those in attendance will be those who only attend on Christmas and Easter. Each year at this time I