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January 29, 2007 0 Comments

Learning Occurs in Community The first is the pioneering work of Brazilian educator Paulo Freire.  Working among the poorest of the poor in Brazil, Freire developed the practice and theory of Critical Education. 

January 27, 2007 0 Comments

Recently I had a conversation with one of the faithful EBA Community members who we've not heard from in some time. I phoned him out of the blue to ask a few questions

January 22, 2007 0 Comments

Everything Has a Deep Dream by Rachel Naomi Remen I've spent many years learning how to fix life, only to discover at the end of the day that life is not broken. There

January 17, 2007 0 Comments

By: Jeff Patton As you begin to think about 2007, here are a few pointers, what I would call Basic Strategies for Successful Ministry or, in other words, “do the basics well”. 10) Make

January 8, 2007 0 Comments

The following is from a good friend of EBA.  It is a telling story of why pastors should spend as much time as they can out of the office and in the public.

January 1, 2007 0 Comments

Let your "Yes" be "Yes" and your "No" be "No" I was at a faculty meeting at Bakke Graduate University where I'm a part-time prof and we were discussing the need to allow