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January 14, 2008 2 Comments

By: Jeff Patton A friend asked if I could help plan a mid-career sabbatical.  My friend wanted to know the best way to use these months away from a long pastorate (15 years).  After

January 7, 2008 0 Comments

By: Jeff Patton #1---EQUIP---Ephesians 4:11-12 is quite clear.  The role of the pastor is to equip the saints.  So equip, equip, equip.  Stop doing all the ministry.  Empower the people to live in the

December 31, 2007 0 Comments

So you’re thinking about planting a church are you? It seems as if church planting is one of the fads of the day. Well here are some things you might consider before attempting

December 31, 2007 0 Comments

The last twenty years of North American culture has been moving from what I call a National Park world to a world that can only be described as a Jungle. Consider the following

December 31, 2007 0 Comments

My conversion took place some 52 years ago and occurred over a relatively short period of time - about six months. It began with my dating a girl that demanded I attend church

December 27, 2007 0 Comments

It used to be that Christmas began when Santa Claus passed the reviewing stand in the Macy's Thanksgiving Parade. It used to be that the first strains of Christmas carols played on the