For the week of July 11, 2005 Transitioning Isn't Easy By: Bill Easum Thom Rainer just completed a study of churches that have successfully transitioned themselves without changing pastors. Out of 50,000 examples,
308 West Blvd N, Columbia, MO 65203 573-463-5923
For the week of July 11, 2005 Transitioning Isn't Easy By: Bill Easum Thom Rainer just completed a study of churches that have successfully transitioned themselves without changing pastors. Out of 50,000 examples,
For the week of July 04, 2005 How Can We Measure Congregational Effectiveness? By: Bill Easum People are always asking me if it is possible to measure the effectiveness of a church. My
For the week of June 27, 2005 Organizing Cell Groups Around "Helps" By: Tom Bandy The spiritual gift of “helps” is one of the most common among church members. Many people are gifted
For the week of June 20, 2005 What Goes Around Comes Around By: Tom Bandy Countless rural churches provide refreshment booths at county fairs, fall festivals, and innumerable community events. They have pie
For the week of June 13, 2005 Guided Capital Campaigns By: Tom Bandy Every statistic, and every experience, verifies the fact that professionally guided capital campaigns always raise more money than internal campaigns
For the week of June 06, 2005 Hospitality Starts in the Parking Lot By: Tom Bandy We all know that hospitality ministries are really important for church growth. The problem is that most
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