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July 24, 2009 0 Comments

My reading this summer hasn’t produced a lot of excellent books, but it has produced three excellent books that are worth purchasing. Perhaps the best book of this summer and perhaps this year

July 23, 2009 0 Comments

I began consulting with churches part time in 1987. I’ve been a full time consultant to churches since 1990. My consulting firm, 21st Century Strategies, Inc. has been around for twenty-two years. So

July 17, 2009 0 Comments

The world I was born into was a world of probabilities.  You could predict with some certainty the direction the world was heading.  Today you can't because of probabilities our world is filled

July 17, 2009 0 Comments

I get to see a lot of church newsletters pretty regularly. Some come by email, some with a stamp, but what they all have in common is that I get them. Since I'm

July 15, 2009 0 Comments

For some reason recent articles on my blog have disappeared. I know that because several of you have emailed me asking where to find certain posts that are no longer on the blog.

July 14, 2009 0 Comments

1. The pastor never loses focus on evangelism. 2.  The pastor responds personally to every signed in visitor. 3. The pastor hands–off as many ministries as possible and as soon as possible. 4.