1. The pastor never loses focus on evangelism. 2. The pastor responds personally to every signed in visitor. 3. The pastor hands–off as many ministries as possible and as soon as possible. 4.
308 West Blvd N, Columbia, MO 65203 573-463-5923 info@effectivechurch.com
1. The pastor never loses focus on evangelism. 2. The pastor responds personally to every signed in visitor. 3. The pastor hands–off as many ministries as possible and as soon as possible. 4.
Two Types of Thriving Churches Emerging Over the past few years I’ve noticed a growing trend amoung thriving churches- they are either simple or Permission-Giving. Let me give two examples of what I
Wuthnow, Robert After Heaven: Spirituality in America Since the 1950's (Berkeley, CA: University of California Press, 1998), 290 pages, hardcover, $29.95. Obtain from University of California Press, 510-642-4999. Wuthnow chronicles the changing pattern
Wright, TimContemporary Worship: A Sourcebook for Spirited-Traditional, Contemporary Worship: A Sourcebook for Spirited-Traditional, Praise, and Seeker Services, (Abingdon Press, 1997) 187 pages, $19.95, Paperback. Obtain thru Abingdon Press, Nashville, TN 800-251-3320. The title
Wright, TimThe Prodigal Hugging Church ( Joy Resources, Ausburg Fortress, Minneapolis, MN, 2001) 63 pages, paperback. Obtain from Ausburg Fortress, Box 1209, Minneapolis, MN 55440. By far the best case yet for the
H. Stanley Woods (ed) Errdmans 2006 One of the best books on leadership I’ve seen. Although it is the book is an analysis of the responses of 700 church planters to a given
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