I received a thoughtful note from a Church-Talk listener. He contended that the church has fallen under the spell of the culture's understanding and practice of leadership. He went on the say that
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I received a thoughtful note from a Church-Talk listener. He contended that the church has fallen under the spell of the culture's understanding and practice of leadership. He went on the say that
There is a shift of mindset – a mindshift, if you will – going on today when it comes to how pastors view their role and their congregations. In the past most pastors looked for
From the beginning of 21st Century Strategies, a long, long time ago, we’ve had one driving value: help transform churches. We suspect that pretty much all our readers understand that one of the
I'm preparing to speak to the Presbyterian Church of Canada in a couple of months. They chose as the subject "The Emmaus Project." It consists of selected churches from all over Canada. As
Over the years I've watched pastors do all kinds of work trying to grow their church. Many of them have brought in a consultant, myself included, had a thorough examination of their church,
I just heard some reports that attendance at most of this year's MLK rallies and marches was way down. While in the restroom at the hospital this week I heard a man say
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