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January 26, 2012 0 Comments

My wife (Dr. Kris T-B) and I go on a date on as many Fridays as possible. On our dates we go to lunch and catch a movie matinee. Last week we went

January 23, 2012 0 Comments

The old adage, “you get what you measure,” holds true both in business and in the church. Obviously it might appear to be easier to develop measurement metrics for a business than a

January 22, 2012 0 Comments

Here's something to think about: one doesn't have to look closely at Western Christianity to tell it is in jeopardy. With over 85% of our churches simultaneously declining and aging, the number of

January 19, 2012 0 Comments

Without knowing it, most pastors today are harming thousands of people while trying to save one person. You ask, "How so?" Well, one of the main problems with pastoral leadership today is most

January 18, 2012 0 Comments

I just spent a weekend with a church that is facing one of the most difficult decisions a church will ever have to face. To be or not to be: That is their

January 16, 2012 0 Comments

Anyone who knows me well knows that I’m a bit of a Trekkie… but not a huge fanatic by any means (I started watching when Kirk started his career and quit when Picard