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January 29, 2013 0 Comments

I had to vacate my house for the night because some remodeling was being done, so I checked into a Holiday Inn.  While I was out walking my dogs, one of the biggest mainline

January 24, 2013 0 Comments

I had a conversation today that caused me to think.  This pastor had a lot of balls in the air.  In fact, too many.  So a thought came to me about another two

January 23, 2013 3 Comments

They didn't teach me management skills in seminary.  But I wish they had, because as the leader of a church I needed them badly and it's a shame I had to learn them

January 22, 2013 1 Comment

The following post is a rough draft of a section in the book 21st Century Strategies for Church Growth that I'm in the midst of writing. Your feedback is appreciated. If you’re with

January 17, 2013 0 Comments

In the introduction of 21st Century Strategies for Church Growth, my primary purpose is helping a pastor decide whether or not they can handle the heat in the kitchen of church growth. The

January 14, 2013 0 Comments

I received a post from person on our advanced leadership forum inquiring what questions he should ask while at a search committee interview for a new church position as lead pastor. Here is what