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September 11, 2014 3 Comments

You probably hear it as often as I do. "Trying to get them organized is like herding cats." Whether it's being applied to the stewardship committee, the congregational council, or the local minister's

September 5, 2014 0 Comments

A study by the Wall Street Journal discovered that larger corporations with smaller boards outperformed their counterparts with larger boards by a significant margin. In fact, as few as 3-5 extra people made

September 3, 2014 1 Comment

"Good morning, Mrs. Dalton. Do you have a seating preference?" "Oh, Sheila, you ask me every week. You know I always sit in the same place." The usher smiled. "Yes, but you never

August 28, 2014 0 Comments

It's almost nominating time, and with nominations come the reconstitution of teams. But will they just do business as usual, or will they make a serious difference in your congregation? Much depends on

August 21, 2014 1 Comment

[featured-img]One of the problems with high-functioning ministers is that our energy tends to always function quite highly, even to the point of dysfunction at times. Many of us score a high “P” on

August 16, 2014 0 Comments

I live in Missouri, but I'm a Seattle-ite at heart. One of the big cultural differences between the two is their attitude toward recycling. I'm used to looking at every piece of trash