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August 2, 2015 0 Comments

Hey folks, I'm going to be at Exponential West, the largest gathering of church planters in the world, and I'd love to see you there.  It's that good, and its not just for

July 24, 2015 0 Comments

Recently I was asked for recommendations for remodeling a church's website. In response I wrote a too-long email, but a just right blog post. So I thought I'd share it here. A "tiny"

July 24, 2015 5 Comments

Recently I was asked for recommendations for remodeling a church's website. In response I wrote a too-long email, but a just-right blog post. So I thought I'd share it here. A tiny bit

July 22, 2015 0 Comments

Jim was right out of seminary and into his third year as pastor of his first church. He had worked hard all three years, but the church didn't grow. In fact, if anything,

July 22, 2015 6 Comments

Jim was right out of seminary and into his third year as pastor of his first church. He had worked hard all three years, but the church didn't grow. In fact, if anything,

July 21, 2015 3 Comments

The vast majority of dying churches I know get their priorities mixed up. Every church has a primary priority and secondary priorities. The primary priority of any church should be effectively growing the