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December 12, 2015 0 Comments

Signs are a plus if you use them correctly, but they are a waste of money if you use them incorrectly. Let's look at the difference. A church down the street from me

December 10, 2015 2 Comments

Christmas Eve is fast approaching. Historically, your worship service/s on that holy night will have the highest number of visitors who have limited or no church experience. Indeed, the Nones are more likely

December 9, 2015 0 Comments

What happens during the transition? The pastor must carefully and slowly chip away at destroying the dependent culture and establishing a growth culture. For eight years, I chipped away at changing the culture

December 9, 2015 0 Comments

Making the transition from doers to equippers is perhaps one of the hardest transitions to make. So, let’s take it step by step. Step one begins with the pastor. The pastor has to

December 8, 2015 1 Comment

Sometimes we get asked about the tools we use to do the things we do. This afternoon I was creating and scheduling some social media updates for the upcoming week and realized that there

December 5, 2015 2 Comments

I’ve been writing a lot about church multiplication because I believe it is the way Jesus would want us to lead our churches. At the heart of multiplication is the shift from an