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May 14, 2012 0 Comments

On my way back from a church conference, I got on an airplane with more than its fair share of church leaders on it. This particular conference had been wildly popular and the

May 12, 2012 0 Comments

How you measure up as a leader is largely determined by what it is you measure. It turns out, one of the differences between an average leader and a great leader can be found

May 9, 2012 0 Comments

No, not that kind of model. I’m wondering if you’re married to a particular church paradigm, a specific way of doing church. And if you are, will you be willing to throw her

May 7, 2012 2 Comments

In a previous post I suggested there was a need for new – or renewed – language for church leaders. As wonderful as having new language might be, there’s an underlying issue that

May 3, 2012 0 Comments

This afternoon I had a great conversation with a top judicatory leader of one of the largest denominations in the US. We were talking about what kind of leader the church needs in

April 12, 2012 0 Comments

Today’s spiritual seekers rarely turn to Christianity or to the church to find the answers they seek because of their past experiences or because of the church's and faith’s reputation. Too often, spiritual