This brief list was inspired by a blog post by Ben Reed at Once I read it, I thought I'd jot down my own top ten list and I asked Bill Easum
308 West Blvd N, Columbia, MO 65203 573-463-5923
This brief list was inspired by a blog post by Ben Reed at Once I read it, I thought I'd jot down my own top ten list and I asked Bill Easum
Every effective pastor gets a poison pen letter at least once during their careers. They're never nice to get and they can cause a lot of anxiety and self-doubt. Frankly, they can send
I caught a glance at a blog post from Serene Jones, the president of Union Theological Seminary, and was struck yet again at how little surprises me, but I never cease to be
I'm always amazed, but seldom surprised, by the content of status updates I see church leaders, especially pastors, making these days. One pastor was apparently having a bad day (or week, month, year,
It’s always bothered me to spend months busting my backside to get an effective ministry launched in September/October only to have it roll to a virtual stop by mid-June. Sure, there are lots
Think you're going to lead your church successfully through the next growth barrier? You might want to think again – seriously. The success rate for barrier-breaking is less than 20 percent, and if you