[three_fourth last="no" class="" id=""] Here are some samples of excellent Mission or purpose statements from a variety of expressions. Do not copy them because they may not work in your church. Just use
308 West Blvd N, Columbia, MO 65203 573-463-5923 info@effectivechurch.com
[three_fourth last="no" class="" id=""] Here are some samples of excellent Mission or purpose statements from a variety of expressions. Do not copy them because they may not work in your church. Just use
The golden rule, “Do unto others as you would have done unto you,” has been the hallmark of the church for nearly two millennia. However, the rule has lately been misapplied to mean,
Today’s spiritual seekers rarely turn to Christianity or to the church to find the answers they seek because of their past experiences or because of the church’s – or the faith's – reputation.
For some reason, I made it to the airport without my requisite yellow pad of paper. "No problem," I thought, "I'll just read and write on my iPad." Oops ... not until I
According to the American Religious Identification Survey (from Trinity College, Hartford, CT) the fastest growing religious affiliation growing in North America is the unaffiliated. Called "the church of the nones" by scholars, these
The church was soooo proud. Their choir loft was shoulder-to-shoulder with sopranos, altos, tenors, baritones, and basses. So they didn’t see the “divide into two choirs” recommendation coming. They sounded so good and