I was asked what a church's leadership covenant should include. I've done a training on that for the Conflict CPR Training Set, but here are my thoughts. A 100% commitment to supporting the
308 West Blvd N, Columbia, MO 65203 573-463-5923 info@effectivechurch.com
I was asked what a church's leadership covenant should include. I've done a training on that for the Conflict CPR Training Set, but here are my thoughts. A 100% commitment to supporting the
I'm a big "DNA" fan; that is, I believe that, before a church can be effectively planted, grown, or transformed (pick whichever category you find yourself in), its leaders, and ultimately its congregation, have to wrestle
Only the pastor knew I was coming to spend Sunday morning with the church. As a secret shopper, my job was to experience the church as a first-time guest. I knew what time
When it comes to working with church leaders, I’ve found that the word “NICE” is one of the most problematic four-letter-words. In terms of damage done to the church, I rank it as
The following post is a rough draft of a section in the book 21st Century Strategies for Church Growth that I'm in the midst of writing. Your feedback is appreciated. If you’re with
In the introduction of 21st Century Strategies for Church Growth, my primary purpose is helping a pastor decide whether or not they can handle the heat in the kitchen of church growth. The