Let me start out with a thought ... if you're using screen technology, a worship bulletin is a colossal waste of resources. Why do you need a bulletin to follow the Responsive Reading?
308 West Blvd N, Columbia, MO 65203 573-463-5923 info@effectivechurch.com
Let me start out with a thought ... if you're using screen technology, a worship bulletin is a colossal waste of resources. Why do you need a bulletin to follow the Responsive Reading?
Carol joined the church a month ago. She'd been attending worship for several weeks and liked what she heard and what she experienced. She'd even made a new friend or two. Joining the
One of those ten commandments is about thievery. The Bible generally frowns on stealing stuff from others. Although neither Israel nor Christians ever condoned cutting off a thieve's hand as punishment, there were
I was with my grandson ... 13 years-old ... yesterday and he asked grandma and I, "Do you have cable?" I admitted we did and he responded: How can you stand cable and
Do you remember the fight your church had when you added a drum kit to the sanctuary's platform? Well, that's nothing compared to what's coming. Maybe you haven't heard the news: As of
A recent comment about a local big box church (that's successfully reaching, baptizing, and discipling young adults): "They've given in to entertainment evangelism." ... as if entertainment was a four-letter, distasteful, disgusting word.