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April 27, 2019 1 Comment

Every week, thousands of pastors spend hours and hours creating a sermonic masterpiece that will be heard once by fewer than 60 people. Every week, tens of thousands of Sunday school classes will

April 10, 2019 3 Comments

I had a rare Sunday off a couple weeks ago and decided to drop by a local church that I'd never visited. I'd discovered the church on my annual Christmas Light Tour (where I

March 14, 2019 0 Comments

One of the sad realities about being a church consultant is that too often, churches don't realize they're "in trouble" until it hits their bottom line. Their finances. It seems that no one

February 20, 2019 2 Comments

Everyone's talking about the weather in the Mid-West. "Worst winter in decades," they say. Which isn't quite true. Worst winter in terms of accumulated snow and ice over the last couple of years,

February 10, 2019 0 Comments

I've been working in the church planting and church turnaround business since I was twenty-six years old. Let's just say that was awhile ago [my wife just whispered "A LONG while ago."]. One

January 27, 2019 8 Comments

A family left the church recently because they didn't like one of the changes in worship. The pastor had been confronted by the board chair who demanded the pastor "Go after them and