Turning a church around is a messy and lonely responsibility. I know because I did it three times and each time the early years were depressing enough to damped even the strongest spirit.
308 West Blvd N, Columbia, MO 65203 573-463-5923 info@effectivechurch.com
Turning a church around is a messy and lonely responsibility. I know because I did it three times and each time the early years were depressing enough to damped even the strongest spirit.
Not long ago our organization received a response from a pastor to one of our posts that showed one of the major misconceptions about Christianity. Here is the quote “If I must go
The following is a personal story that sheds light on innovation. Way back in 1982 (I know, ancient history) a member of my church staff decided to bring a dozen Apple 2e’s into
What is the one thing a leader needs the most to succeed? If we have the answer to that question, everything else falls into place. So here goes. The thing most needed for
The mind is a funny thing; If the mind believes something to be true, the more likely it is that something will happen. Let me illustrate I play golf. And there are times
The United Methodist Church is on the verge of schism. No one wants to call it that, but that's the direction we're going. At the moment, three “ways forward” are being presented. Option