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May 2, 2018 2 Comments

Turning a church around is a messy and lonely responsibility. I know because I did it three times and each time the early years were depressing enough to damped even the strongest spirit.

August 8, 2017 2 Comments

For the life of me I don't understand why anyone would try to revitalize a church. But I did and I’m glad I did. Still, when I consider that the vast majority of

February 19, 2016 134 Comments

I love pastors.  I was one for thirty years. But my heart goes out to them because most of them are wasting their lives.  Let me tell you why. Statistics show that some 85%

July 6, 2015 0 Comments

I will  never forget that day.  It was my first Sunday at a church that only five years earlier ran 249 in worship.  But as I stood to teach I was greeted by

July 6, 2015 0 Comments

One of the best things about getting older is the lessons learned along the way.  Let me share the biggest lesson I learned.  It's so simple but it's what makes life exciting and

June 13, 2013 0 Comments

From Bill Easum It has been my experience that three out of four pastors who try to turn a church around lose their job. OnLine Conversations "frustrated""negative growth area""discouraged""nothing to offer""seven years of