Getting Church Members to Invite

The other day, I found myself in a heart-to-heart with a pastor, and his frustration was palpable. He complained, “My members just aren’t inviting their friends and neighbors to church.” It’s a common refrain, isn’t it? But here’s the twist: your members have already invited pretty much everyone they know over the years and […]

Dinosaurs to Rabbits Webinar: Chapter 02

This week’s webinar (Tuesday at 2 CDT) is covering Chapter 02: Addition or Multiplication? 

There’s a lot of confusion by a number of church leaders on the difference between being a Addition Church and a Multiplying Church … besides the obvious spelling difference! In this session, the Dynamic Duo will talk about those differences and why […]

Back To School

What is your favorite time of year? I’m not necessarily talking about climate like Spring or Summer but rather activities that are going on. As a pastor, certainly Christmas and Easter were always at the top of my list because of their significance as the birth, death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. […]

Confession of Two Mainline Church Geeks

We’ve Got a Confession to Make.
We’ve been mainline Christians most of our lives.
We choose the mainline because of its theology.
But over time the mainline Church has fallen into a free fall decline.
And that pains us.
We hate to see once great institutions dying. So we’re not going to just sit back and watch it […]

Dinosaurs to Rabbits: Chapter 5 – Introduction

In this chapter, we take a look at the principles that will turn a flagging mainline church into a multiplication movement. To be fair, this isn’t a specific recommendation list (“Start three small groups of twelve people each and study thus-and-thus in session one, this-and-that in session two” etc.). You will actually have to […]

Dinosaurs to Rabbits: Chapter 03 – Introduction

The whole point of our Dinosaurs to Rabbits book is to help spur our colleagues in the Mainline Church to get serious about transforming the church into a multiplication monster (a good kind of monster!). But the heart of the matter is that in our experience, the Mainline Church has lost its heart for making disciples […]

A Declaration of Freedom from Decline

The United States of America is 242 years old.  That’s a long time for a nation to remain free. But, when you look at our history in the context of world history, America is just a child among the nations. Egypt, China, Japan and Greece all make America’s history seem so short. 242 years […]

Dinosaurs to Rabbits: Chapter 02 Introduction

10 is Better than 1
I assume that all of us would agree that ten new Christians is better than one new Christian. Right? I think we would also all agree that ten times ten is even better than ten when it comes to the number of people our churches are reaching.  Right? And I’m […]

While Nero Fiddled …

… Rome burned.
We all know that is not literal fact, but its imagery still reflects what is happening today to mainline Christianity. Too many of us are fiddling while our once relevant denominations are becoming irrelevance. We are constantly getting sidetracked from our main objective- making disciples who make disciples who change the world. […]