By Scott Thumma and Dave Travis Jossey_Bass, 2007 Crow is not my (Bill Easum) favorite dish to eat,
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By Scott Thumma and Dave Travis Jossey_Bass, 2007 Crow is not my (Bill Easum) favorite dish to eat,
Towns, Elmer, C. Peter Wagner & Thom S. Rainer The Everychurch Guide to Growth (Nashville, TN: Broadman &
Missional Worship is a refreshing and interested new look into worship that goes beyond the worship service and
Missional Worship is a refreshing and interested new look into worship that goes beyond the worship service and
Townley, Cathy Designing Worship Teams Designing Worship Teams, by Cathy Townley (Nashville, TN, Abingdon Press, 2002) 174 pages,
If you're looking for a well written summary of the cultural factors behind the emergence of the Emergents