A short easy to read and digest, practical work that offers the basics of developing an intentional disciplemaking
308 West Blvd N, Columbia, MO 65203 573-463-5923 info@effectivechurch.com
A short easy to read and digest, practical work that offers the basics of developing an intentional disciplemaking
by Jim Belcher by Jim Belcher Over the past decade a serious rift has occurred within western Protestantism.
(Crown Publishers, NY, 1990), 276 pages, hardback, $19.95. Pastors interested in helping a stagnant church make radical change
Postmodern Children's MinistryIvy Beckwith A more than interesting and controversial book on how to do “soul care” of
(San Francisco, California: Jossey-Bass Publishers, 1998) 210 pages, hardback, $22.00. Obtain from Jossey-Bass Publishers, San Francisco, California, www.josseybass.com
[caption id="attachment_76" align="alignright" width="150"] No Grumpy Greeters![/caption] I was working on a worship evaluation and thought that I'd