3 Tips to Engage Your Congregation in Ministry Fundraisers

When inspired, your congregation can accomplish impressive fundraising goals. However, passing the collection plate may not be enough to collect the funding that keeps your church programs and outreach running. In fact, recent research indicates that only 5 percent of Americans tithe. 

So how can your church encourage a culture of generous giving? In this […]

Understanding the Basics of Church Accounting: A Guide

Your church’s number one priority is likely furthering its mission, and for good reason. Between creating space for worship, fostering discipleship, serving the community, and keeping your congregation engaged, there are many efforts that keep you busy each day and allow you to make a positive impact.

As you go about all of this great […]

How Churches Can Prevent Financial Crises

As Americans transition to a non-religious population, churches have been closing rapidly across the US. In 2019, about 4,500 Protestant churches closed, with those still standing typically having only 85% of the pre-pandemic attendance numbers. This number has worsened since COVID-19 struck in 2020, with research by the Survey Center on American Life and the University […]

Stop Inviting People to Church… and Grow Your Church Anyway

Recently, I was working with a church that desperately wants to grow… well, the pastor wants it to grow. He asked his core leaders about their inviting experiences and they all said shades of the same thing: “I’ve invited all my friends to church and they’re not interested.”

Well, duh!!

Unless you happen to be inviting […]

Why Do You Charge to Help Grow Churches?

Every so often, I get a letter from some irate church member who demands to know why The Effective Church Group charges for our services. This morning, I got this note from a Church Elder in North Carolina who responded to a Facebook ad we ran for the Get More Visitors Checklist (a free […]

Where Have All the Children Gone?

Once upon a time, or so the old fairytale goes, the Pied Piper led all the children out from the city of Hamelin. I’m sure it was a shock, but everyone in town knew why the children were gone and they knew where they went.

But where have all the children gone from the church?

Back […]

Reaching Your Congregation With Text-to-Give: 3 Tips

For years, churches have relied on traditional face-to-face fundraising to raise revenue for their operational costs, youth programs, and charitable work. However, as new technology innovations have become available, organizations have been able to take a more modern approach to raising funds and connecting with their audience. Of these new innovations, the most notable […]

When a Ministry Leader Fails

The pastor was nearly spitting nails. She’d entrusted a congregational member to lead what should have been an exceptionally effective outreach event. But by 4 PM the afternoon of the event, it was clear that almost nothing had been done to prepare for the ministry and as you can imagine, that meant the whole […]

Getting Noticed by the Media

Most of the time, when a church leader starts thinking about the need for marketing, they’re thinking about a specific event (like the annual Christmas bazaar, Easter service, the Habitat build, etc.) and they tend to think advertising – which is expensive. In this blog, however, we’ll be exploring how to get the media’s […]