The 7-11 Jesus

During Advent, I’ve been reading James A. Harnish’s Advent Calendar of Devotions from Abingdon Press. One of the short passages sent my head reeling and my heart racing:

“Jesus was not born in Bethlehem to make the darkness more manageable.”

And yet, this is the very gospel we see presented in church after church after church. […]

Evangelism: Practical and Effective Evangelism in Today’s Church

Evangelism: Exegeting the Community

Evangelism: Conversations and Faith

Evangelism: Yesterday and Today

Idealism and the Missional Church

Over the past several weeks I’ve had the opportunity to speak to various crowds of church leaders and talk about church transformational issues. I’ve noticed that I can generally divide the audience into two groups: those who want to get it and so are open to giving the presentation a listen, and those who […]

Confronting the Church’s Fog Horns

I received a question from a recent seminar participant that was buried in one of the comments. I started to answer it there, but when I finished I realized it was way too long to be just a comment … so I repost it here.

The question was “So, how does one confront the “Fog […]

A Delicate Matter … Senior Staff Expectations

I write this post with a good bit of trepidation. Let’s face it, my livelihood pretty much depends on the goodwill and invitation of solo pastors, senior ministers, and senior staff. However, after having a couple of conversations with a colleague, it became clear that there are some who are in need of an […]

Communications and the Church

I recently had a great conversation with an older member of a fast-shrinking congregation. She was looking for resources on how to improve communications within her congregation and she was finding precious few resources … could I help? Sure, I could help. But before we went further, I asked her to tell me what […]