308 West Blvd N, Columbia, MO 65203 573-463-5923 info@effectivechurch.com


October 30, 2012 0 Comments

It's a sad day for United Methodists (who aren't very united or Methodist anymore).  The Judicial Council has

October 29, 2012 0 Comments

Sometimes you just can't win. After a year of talking about what it takes to be a welcoming

October 29, 2012 0 Comments

Our new book, Effective Staffing for Vital Churches, is now on sale in print, for Kindle, and maybe

October 25, 2012 1 Comment

In our new book, Effective Staffing for Vital Churches, we write that all churches are missional or they

October 25, 2012 0 Comments

There’s more to public praying than just heeding some “thou shalt nots.” For example, thou shalt not use the

October 23, 2012 0 Comments

Too often, churches get staffing wrong. I know in their heart of hearts they believe that by hiring