308 West Blvd N, Columbia, MO 65203 573-463-5923 info@effectivechurch.com


November 7, 2014 0 Comments

I’ve always been a voracious reader, so I encourage pastors to read a minimum of ten books a

November 7, 2014 0 Comments

In one of the congregations I worked in last year, I ran across a story that had become

November 6, 2014 0 Comments

I’m constantly being asked about the importance of sermon series and what the best way is to go about

November 5, 2014 0 Comments

This is the first part of a presentation I did at an event in New York, NY. (Right

November 4, 2014 0 Comments

Without vision, the people perish. Granted, that's a bad translation of Proverbs 29:18, but the proverb itself is

October 28, 2014 23 Comments

The "golden years" of the church, for many key leaders in churches across the US, were the 1950s.