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The Daily Catalyst

Believe It or Not: More Young Women Are Leaving Their Faith than Men

Women are leaving their faith

Word Count: 367 – Est Read Time: 2 Minutes

What’s Up? For nearly 2,000 years, women have been the backbone of the church. But the latest data? It’s turning that long-standing trend on its head. Young women are leaving their faith … and the church … at twice the rate of men. (Graphs About Religion)

So What? For decades, the conversation has been about men drifting away from church. But this new shift is seismic. If the church has historically relied on women to sustain it, what happens when they walk away? More importantly, what can we do to stop the bleeding?

The Point Is …

1. Relationships Keep People Grounded
If young adults, women or men, don’t have deep, meaningful relationships in the church, they will leave. A ‘primary relationship’ means someone they can call at 3:00 AM when their puppy gets sick. No real connections? No real reason to stay.

2. Value Must Be Relevant, Personal, and Tangible
People will not invest time and energy into something that doesn’t provide real personal value. If church feels like a religious routine instead of a source of transformation, they’ll drift away … and fast.

3. Purpose and Impact Are Non-Negotiable
If people don’t see how their gifts and talents are making a difference in other people’s lives, they’ll look elsewhere for meaning. If the church isn’t offering them a real opportunity for contribution, it’s offering nothing at all.

And …?
The study from Ryan Burge didn’t speculate on the why, but speculation isn’t necessary to recognize a crisis. Churches have to face what is, not what they wish was true. This isn’t just about young adult women, there’s another key demographic heading for the exit: women in the early empty-nest years. And, just like their younger counterparts, they aren’t just leaving the church; they’re abandoning the faith.

What’s the solution? It starts with prioritizing connection. If we want to keep women engaged, we must ensure they feel known, valued, and essential. That means real relationships, relevant teaching, and meaningful service opportunities. The church can’t afford to take its core demographic for granted anymore.

If your church isn’t actively fostering deep relationships, real value, and meaningful service, start now … or watch the exodus continue.