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The Daily Catalyst

Timing is Everything: The Test of Leadership

timing is everything

Word Count: 430 – Est Read Time: 2 Minutes

What’s Up

Timing may not be everything, but in leadership, it makes a world of difference. (Just kidding … Timing IS Everything!)

So What

You can start growing your church right now without a massive overhaul. But if you want sustainable growth, change is going to be inevitable. And knowing when to make that move? That’s the real test of leadership.

The Point Is

1. Change is Coming—Like it or Not
If your church isn’t growing, something is going to have to change. Maybe it’s the way you engage visitors. Maybe it’s how your pastor spends time in the community. Maybe it’s the vocabulary and traditions that make newcomers feel like outsiders. Probably it’s all of the above. But whatever it is, you can either lead the change or react to it when it’s forced upon you.

2. People Like Growth … Until It Affects Them
Everybody wants their church to grow—until it means adjusting the way they worship, interact, or experience community. That’s when the resistance kicks in. And let’s be honest: Most people prefer their comfort over church growth. The smart pastor knows this and navigates it strategically.

3. Timing Can Make or Break You
Rolling out changes at the wrong time will lead to unnecessary conflict. Sure, every change brings some tension, but there’s a massive difference between a minor disagreement and an all-out war. The best leaders recognize when their congregation is ready—or when they need more groundwork before pulling the trigger.

4. Great Leaders Build Before They Battle
Leadership isn’t about running ahead and hoping people follow. It’s about casting a vision, building alliances, and ensuring that when you do make a move, you’ve got the buy-in to make it stick. Never propose a change unless you’re at almost 100% sure you can implement it.

And … ?

Ecclesiastes reminds us that there’s a time for everything. And yes, that includes a time to make strategic changes in your church. The key is knowing when. Changing the wrong thing at the wrong time can derail your leadership fast. But refusing to change at all? That’s a guaranteed death sentence for your church’s future.

A great leader doesn’t just react to the moment. They prepare, anticipate, and choose the right battle at the right time. Pick your battles wisely, Pastor. Some hills are worth dying on. Some aren’t. The trick is knowing the difference.


Get your copy of the Simple Church Growth Readiness Assessment. It’ll help you discern your leader’s and your member’s readiness for the inevitable changes.