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The Daily Catalyst

Hearing From God: The Three Voices in Your Head

Three Voices of Prayer

Word Count: 478 – Est Read Time: < 3 Minutes

What’s Up?
How do you know if you’re really hearing from God – or if it’s just the voices in your head playing tricks on you? It’s time to distinguish the three voices in your head.

So What?
If you’ve ever wrestled with whether it’s God speaking or just your own overactive imagination, you’re not alone. We all have a swirl of thoughts running through our minds, and if we’re honest, not all of them are particularly holy. But discerning the voice of God is key to making wise, faithful choices.

The Point Is …

1. God’s Voice Pushes You Toward the Best
God’s voice isn’t usually the loudest, but it’s persistent. It calls you to do what’s right … what’s best … even when it’s inconvenient, sacrificial, or downright uncomfortable. That nudge to stop and help someone? The conviction to forgive when you’d rather stew? The whisper to put the fork down and skip the extra dessert? That’s him. And if you find yourself trying to rationalize it away, that’s a big clue that it’s his voice you’re resisting.

2. Your Voice Negotiates the Best Away
This is the voice of reason … or, more accurately, the voice of excuse-making. Your voice hears God’s prompting and immediately jumps into action, explaining why it’s not necessary, why it can wait, or why maybe that wasn’t really God speaking in the first place. It’s not evil; it’s just human. And it’s the referee trying to justify an easier, less costly path.

3. The Dark Voice Calls You Away from the Light
Let’s be clear: Satan himself probably isn’t whispering in your ear. He’s got bigger fish to fry. But there are plenty of voices of darkness swirling around – tempting, deceiving, and steering you away from good. This is the voice that justifies resentment, indulges selfishness, and whispers that you’re too busy, too tired, or too important to bother doing what’s right. It’s the easiest voice to recognize because, deep down, you already know it’s rotten.

And … ?
What happens when you ask God for guidance and hear nothing but crickets? If you’re not getting a clear sense of direction, the best response isn’t to panic or push forward – it’s to wait. That’s not easy in a world that runs on urgency, but silence is often God’s way of saying, “Trust Me. Not yet.” In those moments, seek wise counsel. Find people of deep faith, ask for their prayers, and listen carefully to what they discern. God often speaks through his people, and sometimes, the clarity you need comes through the voices of those he’s placed in your life.

Today, take five minutes of silence and ask God to reveal his voice to you. Then, pay attention. What’s he nudging you toward? What’s your voice saying in response? And is there a dark voice that needs shutting down?