308 West Blvd N, Columbia, MO 65203 573-463-5923 info@effectivechurch.com

The Daily Catalyst

Pastor: Get Out of the Office Starting Today!

get out of the office

Word Count: 464 – Est Read Time: 2 Minutes

What’s Up?

Pastor, you can’t grow your church from behind your desk. It’s time to get out of the office and start meeting people.

So What?

Christianity has always been about relationships. And if you think your congregation is going to do all the inviting, think again. They’ve already asked everyone they know … multiple times. That means the responsibility to grow the church falls squarely on you. You have to be the Church Growth Catalyst. But let’s be honest, most pastors don’t know what to do once they step outside the office.

The Point Is…

1. Join the Chamber of Commerce (and Actually Show Up).
Your city’s movers and shakers are connected to the chamber. You know who’s usually missing? Pastors. That’s your opportunity. Get involved, attend networking events, and start shaking hands. If you network with the right people, they’ll help you connect with those who need your church.

2. Make at Least Two New Connections Every Day.
This is non-negotiable. If you’re a church planter or revitalizer, bump that number to five. And no, handing out your business card doesn’t count. It only counts if you get their contact information. The goal? By the end of each week, you should have a list of people you can follow up with. And yes, that means setting up a couple of coffee meetings every week.

3. Meet with a Key Networker Weekly.
A key networker is someone who knows everyone – think Chamber of Commerce directors, city officials, school principals, police chiefs. These people can point you toward the very folks you need to meet. If you’re serious about growing your church, these meetings should be on your calendar regularly.

And … ?

The reality is, relationships fuel church growth. The more people you meet, the more opportunities you have to share the gospel. This isn’t just about small talk over coffee, it’s about making genuine connections with people who might never step into a church otherwise. Think of it this way: If you meet two new people every day, that’s over 700 new connections in a year. And if even a fraction of those people come to Christ and bring their families, your church will grow. Period.

The best part? This isn’t some complicated, high-tech strategy. It’s basic relationship-building. It’s something every pastor should be doing anyway. And yet, most pastors stay holed up in their offices, hoping people will magically show up on Sunday morning. That’s not how this works. If you want to see real growth, you have to be intentional about putting yourself in places where new relationships happen.


Set a goal today: Two new connections before you head home. Get out of the office and start meeting people who need the hope of Jesus!