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Bill Tenny-Brittian

Managing Partner

Bill does only one thing … help churches grow. You’ll see it in the books, blogs, and articles he writes; in the workbooks and training materials he develops; in the videos he produces; in the speaking, coaching, and consulting he does; in each issue of  the NetResults Magazine he edits; and in the ways he spends nearly all of his waking hours to ensure church leaders get the resources, strategies, mentoring, coaching, and encouragement they need to leap over the hurdles that keep churches from reaching their full potential. As a pastor, he’s planted churches from one coast to the other and has helped turn churches, nationally and internationally, from decline to growth. And after 40 years of preaching; planting; writing; and teaching evangelism, church growth, and church leadership; Bill remains convinced that the local church is the best hope for transforming culture and communities … and that the pastor is the catalyst to it all.