I’m a simple person, so I boil books down to their absolute minimum. When I do that with
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I’m a simple person, so I boil books down to their absolute minimum. When I do that with
Rogers, Everett M.Diffusion of Innovations (New York, NY: Free Press, 1995) 519 pages, paperback, $32.95 . Obtain from
By Bob Roberts I’m not prone to using many superlatives when reviewing a book. But in the case
Martha Gay Reese Chalice Press, 2006 If you're looking for a book with the newest and slickest evangelism
By Joshua Cooper Ramo If you’re ready to stretch your brain and learn from a wide variety of
Pritchett, PriceResistance: Moving Beyond The Barriers To Change (Pritchett & Associates, Inc., 1996) 34 pages, paperback, $5.95. Obtain