If you’ve lived through 9/11 and 2008 you know what I mean about strange times. If you don’t
308 West Blvd N, Columbia, MO 65203 573-463-5923 info@effectivechurch.com
If you’ve lived through 9/11 and 2008 you know what I mean about strange times. If you don’t
Those who read my previous post may have been surprised that I suggested scripture reading may be the
The first and typically most transformative spiritual habit is, surprisingly, scripture reading. I’m fond of saying “I’m a
Although my book High-Voltage Spirituality is a compendium of forty-eight different spiritual habits (disciplines), in practice I maintain
When it comes to Easter, churches tend to roll out the red carpet for visitors. Already major marketing
Many of you know my wife has been in the hospital for more than 30 of the last 55