Lemmings are those darling rodents that live in the Arctic Circle and look a bit like a hamster
308 West Blvd N, Columbia, MO 65203 573-463-5923 info@effectivechurch.com
Lemmings are those darling rodents that live in the Arctic Circle and look a bit like a hamster
IntroductionHi! Welcome to Our Seminar- Creating Missional Communities: Implications of Re-Hearing the Church’s Story. I am your host,
There is a phenomenon in churches today—yes, yet another one. The arts and worship. I’m hearing about
In the Middle of the Worship Wars… The Quest for Authentic Worship in the Postmodern Era By Cathy
Len Wilson & Jason Moore The following was the opening post in one of our online coaching seminars.
A Vow for Next Summer Bill Easum Most established churches lose most, if not all, of their